How to Tackle Technical Downhill Running

Run Technique, October 17, 2016

Anna Barrett know technical downhill running better than most. A lot of people miss out on the fun of running downhill. Focus on a few key things and you will improve your speed, safety and enjoyment. Most importantly though, you'll leave the competition in your dust

Enjoy your Downhill Running

Anyone enjoying running off-road will experience difficultly running on technical routes or situations, this may be in an event or on a local trail with friends. The saying ‘what goes up must come down’ is sometimes ruined in trail running as you end up being slower and not taking advantage of all the hard work done going uphill.

Many of us are missing out on the joy when it becomes too technical and/or steep, especially us women that are graced with impressive thighs which we can use to our advantage on the downhills!

Start by keeping your knees out in front and high (think marching) with quick steps. As soon as my legs get behind me my control and breaking power is lost.  Get very hands on with anything you can grab on the way down (sorry bush!) Break by using the bush not by using your feet or you will risk sliding.

Keep the momentum going. Due to my lack of height, climbing up, over or down things becomes a full body attack, don’t hesitate or find a better way, just put two hands on the ledge, throw your legs down and go.  I put a lot of trust in my shoes grip, get some decent trail shoes no matter your running level. So often I see ladies in an adventure race bum sliding down because they are wearing their road shoes that are actually skates.

You can go faster than you think and if you stay on the verge of being out of control often enough then your downhill skills will become a secret weapon of free speed. You will most likely experience some epic bails, but what downhill sport doesn’t get better by falling down a few times? My dad told me that if I had a day without at least one crash on my skis then I wasn’t skiing fast enough.

Another common tip is to raise your eye level to further down the trail, this way you will have more time to process what is coming up and your newly raised head will make your posture a lot lighter.

Breathe fully, this will help you recover from the uphill and keep your body relaxed. I have a problem of not breathing deep enough or at all, causing a sharp stitch only resolved by taking large, deep breaths.

Finally, all this can be outdone by having a body that isn’t equipped for a downhill beating. A downhill bike is significantly stronger with good geometry and tires (think trail shoes) than if you were to take a Warehouse bike downhill, correct?

Glute and core strength are so crucial! Your will have an ITB blow out and rolled floppy ankles if you don’t do additional glute and core strength exercises. Make an appointment with your physio to do a body assessment to see where your weaknesses are and they can prescribe exercises to strengthen and balance your body.

My mum is a good example of your typical nervous downhiller. A technical, steep hill by her house used to take her 40 minutes to descend. With some good shoes and practice she has now got this down to 25minutes and she’s 58! Her advice is to look ahead, commit and keep the momentum going.

I hope this has given you some confidence, send me a message if you would like to meet up for a run and we can go through a few skills to work on, the trails are nice and slippery at the moment ;)