Top tips for Fuelling for Running Events

Sports Nutrition, April 20, 2021

Fuelling your race is just as important as the training before hand. Here are some tips from Coach Anna Lorimer to keep in mind when fuelling for a running race.

Foot Traffic Coach Anna Lorimer shares with us her tips for fuelling during a running race.

  • Have a plan and practice it before hand over a similar time in training and a separate similar intensity. 
  • Find flavours you like and use a variety especially for long races.
  • Stick to the plan. Set alarms on your watch when to fuel and don’t think about it, just do it.
  • The harder you are racing the more you will need to fuel on quick access fuel (gels or chews) but the harder it is to digest the fuel.
  • One gel or 3 chews should provide fuel for 20-30 mins of exercise depending on your size, your gender, where you are in the hormone cycle (females) and the intensity of the race. 
  • Always consume gels or chews with water. Not electrolytes, or Nuun, WATER. See for details
  • If you have GI issues consider having smaller amounts more regularly i.e. 1 chew every 10 minutes.
  • Coke and water are a great way to get some sugar and caffeine on board in longer races if they are provided on course. Consider mixing half a cup of coke and half a cup of water or chasing the coke with water to make sure it’s not too concentrated. This should be on top of your fuelling strategy if you are feeling a bit rubbish or should be factored into your plan.
  • If you get cramps or a sloshy stomach this is the only time to abandon the plan. Try just having water for 30 mins to allow your body to deal with what’s in your stomach and then get back to the plan. 
  • Electrolyte replacement drinks or liquid fuel such as tailwind should always be consumed with water. Electrolytes at 1st aid station, water at the next.
  • Do a warm up before having your pre-race fuel (gel or chews) as this will reduce the insulin effects.
  • Start the race fuelled with a good breakfast and start your fuelling strategy within 20 mins of the gun.